
by 드럭인포(DRUGINFO)

Health & Fitness


This App is a drug info plus additional service provided to hospitals. You can increase work efficiency and productivity by conveniently checking the contents of the drug information book in real time on mobile. PermissionsWhen you apply for the mobile drug information book service at a hospital using DruginfoPlus, you must obtain ID authority according to our procedure to use it. Application and other inquiries02-3486-1061 or [email protected] Main FeaturesIn-hospital drug information inquiry and search What is Druginfo Plus?Druginfo plus is a service that provides major drug information in real time in conjunction with the medical information system HIS (OCS//EMR). Medical professionals such as doctors, pharmacists, and nurses can use the service conveniently by directly accessing the medical information system. In addition, you can support effective drug prescription-related tasks and improve patient treatment outcomes in nursing homes. Functions include drug information, medication guidance, identification of brought medications, prescription auditing, review information, and medication management tools.※ Reference- It is not compatible with Drug Info (www.druginfo.co.kr) member ID.-The authority is granted to one in-house administrator, and the in-house administrator has the authority to add, change, and delete member IDs in the hospital.